Use the handle on the chain winch to the right, which will pull the bars away from the window. Odd screws in this neck of the wood – they unscrew in a clockwise direction! Take the handle inside the hole. Use the coin to undo the screws on the circular cover to the right. Take the hook on chain inside and place it on the chain to the right of the barred window Grab the parrot on the wall and place it in the matching niche to the right Pick up the brush under the bed and use it to clean away the slime on the wall Pick up the shard of broken glass behind it and use it on the skeleton’s pocket. Use the PLIERS to release it, and take the RING left on the steps nearby.Ĭlick on the area at the back of the room to initiate the next sequential HOA puzzle. Note the sphere in the centre of the room.
Look at the bench to the left – take the PLIERS.